lenis consonant造句
- Fortis consonants may occur after either long or short vowels, and lenis consonants as well:
- The nature of the phonetic difference between the voiceless lenis consonants and the similarly voiceless fortis consonants is controversial.
- The contrast between fortis and lenis consonants has been interpreted as a distinction between geminate and non-geminate consonants.
- There is a hypothesis that the contrast between fortis and lenis consonants is related to the contrast between voiceless and voiced consonants.
- The corresponding standard southern ( Southern German, Austrian, Swiss ) pronunciations contain lenis consonants in this position : and, respectively.
- It's difficult to find lenis consonant in a sentence. 用lenis consonant造句挺难的
- Because lenis consonants are frequently voiceless at the end of a syllable, vowel length is an important cue as to whether the following consonant is lenis or fortis.
- In the Double Vowel practical orthography, lenis consonants are written with voiced symbols : " b, d, g, j, z, zh ".
- The lenis consonants ( " b, d, g, j, z, zh " ) are typically other phonological processes when adjacent to fortis consonants.
- The Lenis, or equivalently'Strong'and'Weak .'Each fortis consonant is matched with a corresponding lenis consonant with the same place of articulation and manner of articulation.
- Consonant clusters of " h " followed by a lenis consonant correspond to fortis consonants in other dialects : " hp, hc, hk, hs, hsh, ht"
- However, words where the aspirates derive from a lenis consonant plus / h / are usually written as lenis plus, e . g . bhalte'to keep', gheie'to fall '.
- Lenis consonants have normal duration; are typically voiced intervocalically, although they may be devoiced at the end or beginning of a word; are less vigorously articulated than fortis consonants; and are invariably unaspirated.
- "Fortis " and " lenis " have also been used to refer to contrasts of consonant duration in languages like Mixe, lenis consonants are not only pronounced shorter than their fortis counterparts, but they are also prone to voicing in voiced environments, which fortis consonants are not.
- In support of this analysis, Ottawa fortis consonants correspond to clusters of / h / followed by a lenis consonant in the dialects of northwestern Ontario, and the fortis consonants are descended from sequences of consonants in Proto-Algonquian, the reconstructed ancestor language from which Ojibwe and its dialects descend.
- The writing system commonly used for Saulteaux incorporates the Americanist phonetic symbols / a / for and / / for; marks long vowels with the macron; writes lenis consonants with voiceless symbols, and writes fortis consonants with / h / before a lenis consonant, as in the name for the language, " Anihainpmowin ".
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